Sunday, July 6, 2008

Camp Split Rock - Part I

From June 27 through July 3, Camp Split Rock was in session at the Split Rock Resort at Lake Harmony, PA. Activities included biking, hiking, swimming/diving, scavenger hunt, games, river floating, paint ball, golf, a talent show and even bear watching. A great time was had by all!

Meal preparation was a shared responsibility. But Barbara went off the charts by preparing many excellent breakfasts. By popular acclaim, her pancake breakfast was by far the best! Here Micheala examines a special pancake Barbara made for her in the shape of an "M." Michaela wears koala bear pajamas, a gift from Aunt Nicole's recent trip to Australia.
One day we hiked nearby Hickory Run State Park and visited its Boulder Field Natural Area. We expected to see many bolders created during the last ice age but we were overwhelmed by the staggering beauty of this vista. Nonplussed, Carly takes a moment for a business call. Michaela walks on the bolders with Melanie and Dad Jeff.Barb reviews a trail map with Jeff and Lexi.
At the start of Hawk Falls Trail in Hickory Run State Park.Michaela borrowed GB's rain jacket during a bike ride the group took one afternoon along the nearby Lehigh River Gorge.

Jeff, Lexi and Michaela pause during the bike ride.Jonah and Amine pose in front of a waterfall the group encountered during its bike ride along the Lehigh River.
Paintball at the nearby Skirmish range was a popular activity for many campers. Despite wearing camoflage coveralls in high heat, everyone had a great time.In one skirmish Jonah hid in a tree from where he defended his team's flag for a long period of time. An errant paint ball bounced off a limb and hit Jonah. The referees ruled he must exit the skirmish but praised him for his ingenuity. The video below begins with Jonah arriving back at the safety zone.
GB (Barb) and Michaela enjoy playing in the sand at the waterfront lagoon on Lake Harmony. In the video below, Amine demsonstrates his prowess at going off the nearby diving board.

This deer approached our villa most mornings, perhaps accustomed to being fed by humans which is discouraged. Fortunately, bears confined themselves to searching through nearby dumpsters at night. Below, Mo and Amine keep a watchful eye on the movements of a mother bear and two cubs.Darrell and Nicole raise glasses in a toast to the fun times at Camp Split Rock.

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