Sunday, January 25, 2009

How to Keep Warm!

So far this January, 2009, our low temperature in Lakewood has been a -13 (wind chill below -30). Here are our tips on how to stay warm.

Wear a warm, cozy sweater, like Augie.

Wrap up in fleece and wool blankets while drinking hot tea and watching the U.S. national Figure Skating Championship, taking place in Cleveland. (Jim's version of a Snuggie!)

Buy a house in Florida, like Mel and Mo are doing.

And make sure the house has a pool!

Stay warm and enjoy the season. It will be over before you know it!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lucky Buckeyes

During our recent visit with Jeff, Lexi and Michaela in Washington, GB introduced Michaela to "lucky buckeyes" from Ohio. This video, although a little dark, captured some of the action as we made necklaces with lucky buckeyes and beads.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Visit With Jeff, Lexi and Michaela

We enjoyed a wonderful holiday visit with Jeff, Lexi and Michaela in Washington, D.C. Our time together included:

  • A visit to the National Christmas Tree display, near the White House, complete with elaborate model trains which Michaela loved. She referred to each train as "Thomas."

  • A visit to the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum where Michaela expressed delight in seeing all the airplanes. She and GB had a great time operating an exhibit which simulates a plane taking-off from Washington Reagan National Airport.

  • Making necklaces with buckeyes we brought from Ohio.
  • A delightful tea party using Michaela's new table and chairs and a splendid new tea set (given to Barb by Lexi and Jeff) complete with flowering tea. (The tea bag really does morph into a beautiful flower!)
  • Invigorating walks including, on our last day, at Tedddy Roosevelt Park on an island in the Potomac River.

What a great time!

At the White House Christmas Tree Display

A railroad volunteer shows Michaela a specially-made, self-propelled "Oval Office." In the background is one of several train displays.

At the Air and Space Museum.

Modeling buckeye necklaces.

Out for walks. (Some had it easier than others!)

Michaela models her Christmas gift from Great Granddad and Great Grandmama.

Confession: One of our walks turned into a fun visit to Arby's.