Sunday, July 29, 2012

Anne and Zach's Wedding

In spite of the obstacles of severe storms, power outages, broken water mains and record setting heat and humidity, Anne and Zach's wedding ceremony was beautiful and the reception was outstanding.

Plan B went into play after the garden wedding needed to be transported to a new site due to the heat and humidity. Jennifer's florist adapted  and the theater exterior and lobby where the wedding took place (and reception was held afterward)was transformed to accommodate the change.

 Anne and Zach were radiant and everyone had a ball!
Thanks to Tiffany and Jenn K. for allowing us to use their pictures for this blog entry.

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Anne's Shower

Thanks to photographer Tiffany, here are some photos from Anne's wedding shower, hosted by Barb, Myra, Carly and Sarah. The shower was held at David and Myra's on a hot but sunny day in June. We had a great time celebrating the upcoming nuptials of Anne and Zach - great food, lovely gifts, sparkling conversation (and sparkling wine) and the entertainment of learning the "flash mob" dance for the wedding reception.